Meeting Minutes: 16 Feb 2022

The Santa Fe Stargazers convened for their regular monthly meeting  at 7 PM MST on 16 Feb 2022.

Presentation Links:

This evening we had many new members joining us for the first time: we are glad to have you with us!

Following an introduction of new members, Albert Shultz gave the Monthly Sky Report

Robert Powers gave the evening’s feature presentation “Star Atlases: Selecting and Using them for Visual Observation.”

Following an extended discussion after Robert’s presentation we had a brief business meeting:

  • Outreach:
    • A May 15-16 total lunar eclipse is begins at about 8:30 PM MDT, which is perfect for an evening outreach, covid permitting. Everyone is encouraged to mark the date on their calendar. A volunteer is required to coordinate the event.
  • Observing:
    • Jim Eagle proposed the first of the year club observing event for the end-Mar, beginning-Apr new moon. Being the first of the year event, he suggested we make something of a party of it with members bringing refreshments to share.
  • Programming:
    • Featured speakers are in place for April & May, and tentatively June and July. Monthly Sky Report presenters are required all these dates.

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