The Santa Fe Stargazers convened for their regular monthly meeting at 7 PM MST on 20 Apr 2022.
Links to presentations:
- Monthly Sky Report (Sam Finn)
- Observing the Sun (Mike Jacobs)
This meeting was run as a hybrid meeting: both in person and via Zoom. It was the first in-person meeting of the ‘Gazers since the Feb 2020. We anticipate that meetings will continue to be run in a hybrid format into the indefinite future.
Following the welcome, Sam Finn gave the Monthly Sky Report. He was followed by Mike Jacobs, who gave the evening’s feature presentation “Observing the Sun,”
Following an extended discussion after Mike’s presentation we had a brief business meeting:
- Outreach:
- A May 15-16 total lunar eclipse is begins at about 8:30 PM MDT, which is perfect for an evening outreach, covid permitting. Everyone is encouraged to mark the date on their calendar. Jim Baker, assisted by Robert Powers, is coordinating the event. Volunteers with and without ‘scopes are needed: with ‘scopes to provide more opportunities for visitors, and without ‘scopes to help with “crowd control.” Please contact Jim or Robert for more information.
- On June 11 we will hold our first outreach event in collaboration with the Santa Fe Conservation Trust. e night hosts a late waxing gibbous moon (11d); so, observing will be limited to the Moon and brighter objects. Fortunately, the Milky Way, and many of the brighter and more magnificent Messier objects should also be accessible to us. The SFCT is expecting ~60 people at the event. We might expect ~25-30 will stay for observing at the end. More information will be forthcoming. For now, please email Sam Finn and let him know whether or not you and your ‘scope can take part in this 11 June event.h
- Observing:
- Weather permitting, on 30 Apr we will hold a club member observing night at the Cowboy Shack Trailhead Jim Eagle will distribute more details as the date approaches. [Post event note: the event was called-off on account of clouds and smoke from area fires.]
- Programming:
- Featured speakers are in place for May (Albert Shultz on the Milky Way) and June (Rader Lane, of the National Park Service on archeoastronomy and lighting for night sky protection). We are looking for a speakers for July through November.
- Monthly Sky Report presenters are (at this writing) signed-up for Jul, Sep, Oct, and Jan. We need MSR presenters for Jun and Nov.
- Sam Finn will survey club members on whether or not to hold an Aug meeting. If an Aug meeting is held it will be programmed similarly to our past Aug meetings: i.e., a “Bring Your Favorite X” group sharing event.