19 April 2020 Observation Report, Robert P.
April 19, 2020 observation report, Eldorado, NM.
Session: 9:15 – 10:30 pm, transparency fair to good.
Telescope: 15in f/4.5 Reflector
Eyepiece: All observations made with 13mm eyepiece (~131x)
- M3 (Canes Venatci) Globular Cluster. Located it via beta-Com. Faint greenish/blue tint. Very bright.
- M51 (Canes Venatci) Galaxy (Whirlpool Galaxy) Located it via Alkaid. Main spiral arms clear.
- NGC4762 (Virgo) Galaxy (vis mag. ~10) with 13 mm eyepiece (130x). Located it about 2 deg from Vindemiatrix toward Leo. Edge on spiral galaxy. Spiral clear, but no real detail. NGC 4754 is in the same field of view. A smudge tonight.
- M60 (Virgo) Galaxy. Found it by following NGC 4760 about 1 deg. Towards Leo tail. Rounded, and fairly bright. NGC 4647 close by, which was faint and egg shaped.
- M81 & 82 (Ursa Major) Bode’s Galaxy. Found it by diagonal from M81 very bright and clearly elongated. M82 bright but not as elongated as M81. M82 nucleus less clear.