21 Mar 2020 Observing Report (Sam Finn)

Session Name: 200321
Site: 29 Quedo (Obs)
Started: Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 8:30 PM
Finished: Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 11:30 PM
Seeing: 3. G – Brighter planets twinkling slightly
Transparency: 5 – Six of seven Little Dipper stars
Number of observations: 8

Session Notes:
Goal: PN, H400
Fans running @ 8:30 PM.
Clear all round except for a very low, short streak of clouds to SSW, reflecting a bit of the ABQ sky dome.
Minor SF sky dome in NNW
E very good.
Damp – condensation on chair seat, papers showing evidence of damp after < 15m – , but transparency is remarkably good.
OIII, NPB filters in slide
No SQM-L measurements this evening.
Polaris/Betelgeuse align w/8mm error -0.619

Condensation became significant as evening wore on: condensation on scope structure, filter slide noted at 10:50. Buttoned-up at this point.

Type: Comet
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020 8:51:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
8mm: v. nice! round, glowing coma with smooth radial gradient transitioning to brighter toward center. No tail.
26mm: v. nice! Same desc as 8mm, but smaller and less contrast against sky. No tail. Sketched
8mm: sketched.
Re: Sketches. Two asterisms on opposite sides of comet. To SW a cross asterism with base of cross pointed toward comet; to NE, a dipper-like asterism with cup toward comet and handle pointing away to edge of field.

ID: PNG190.3-17.7
Type: P Neb; RA Dec: 050536+1042; Constellation: Ori
Name: SAC6531; Mag: 12.9; Size: 0.433×0.233
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020 9:17:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm: pn. Difficult b/c very nearly stellar. No color: blends in with field stars.
26mm+OIII: very strong response.
26mm+NPB: strong response.
13mm: just begins to show as non-stellar w/slight bluish hue
13mm+OIII: strong resp. slightly non-stellar. no evident structure.
13mm+NPB: responds well.
8mm: non-stellar. round, uniform disk. Focus difficult. No structure; no central *
8mm+OIII: responds v. well. round, uniform disk, no structure, no central *
8mm+NPB: responds well. round, uniform disk, no structure.

ID: IC2165
Type: P Neb; RA Dec: 062143-1259; Constellation: CMa
Name: IC2165; Mag: 13; Size: 0.1
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020 9:37:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm: pn. located from field, but not immediately identified. Located by blinking with OIII. stellar.
26mm+OIII: responds strongly; non-stellar
26mm+NPB: responds strongly; non-stellar, but not as clearly so as w/OIII.
13mm: readily apparent as non-stellar. slight bluish hue. uniform disk
13mm+OIII: responds v. strongly. non-stellar. uniform disk. no central *. v. small
13mm+NPB: responds strongly. non-stellar. uniform disk. no central *
8mm: non-stellar uniform brightness disk, bluish. focus difficult
8mm+OIII: responds strongly. uniform brightness disk. no structure. no central *
8mm+NPB: responds well. uniform disk. no structure, non central *

ID: IC289
Type: P Neb; RA Dec: 031019+6119; Constellation: Cas
Name: IC289; Mag: 12; Size: 0.6
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020 9:56:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm: pn. identified from charts w/respect to dipper style asterism. Large, v. faint, ethereal
26mm+OIII: Stands out much more nicely. large, ethereal disk. Possible AV3 evidence of central star.
26mm+NPB: Stands out nicely as large, ethereal disk.
13mm: faintly glowing ball, uniform.
13mm+OIII: responds nicely. AV3 disk is annulus with (small) hole.
13mm+NPB: AV3 shows hole or interior structure. Not quite uniform across. Perhaps some evidence that not-quite round (squashed?)
8mm: Ethereal disk. AV3 shows as annulus. Difficult to make-out shape other than round.
8mm+OIII: Responds well. AV2 annular with hole or dimming toward center. No evidence central *
8mm+NPB: Same as w/OIII.

ID: PNG147.4-02.3
Type: P Neb; RA Dec: 034143+5217; Constellation: Per
Name: M1-4; Mag: 13.6; Size: 0.07
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:12:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
Found something, but not pn I’m looking for.
26mm: some evidence of very faint glow as arc
26mm+OIII: v. faint, ghostly. ~1/2 – 2/3 fov. centered about a brighter field star. Moves w/*s as scope; so, not ep condensation.
26mm+NPB: even fainter.
26mm: w/o filter no chance of catching full arc.
13mm: nothing.
13mm+OIII: very thin, very faint relative to background annular disk. Can center. Frames better in 26mm (nearly same size as 13mm fov). Slewing about disk show o.d.-i.d. ~1/8 fov. Diam just shy of full fov.
13mm+NPB: can see, but doesn’t respond well.

ID: C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS)
Type: Comet
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:42:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Observation Notes:
26mm: Very nice large, round coma with radial gradient becoming brighter toward center. No tail. Sketched.

ID: NGC2627
Type: Open; RA Dec: 083718-2957; Constellation: Pyx
Name: VII-63; Mag: 8.4; Size: 11
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:45:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Observation Notes:
26mm: oc. disconnected from field (though field is rich). large number brighter stars, much milkiness. ~1/5 fov. irr. frames nicely. pretty.

ID: NGC2392
Type: P Neb; RA Dec: 072912+2055; Constellation: Gem
Name: PK197+17.1; Mag: 8.6; Size: 0.783×0.717
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:50:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Observation Notes:
26mm: pn. large, bright, translucent. blue-green. central * with envelope. * may be in void, or just dimmer part of nebulosity, or it may be apparently dimmer owing to contrast with star.
26mm+OIII: responds well. nebula becomes much denser, evidence for central * diminishes, but still suddenly brighter toward center.
26mm+NPB: response same as OIII, through sky darkens more with OIII.

Note: condensation on scope structure so will button-up after this obs.

13mm: large nearly uniform nebulosity with clear, bright central *. No evidence of hole/void: just translucent nebulosity with central *.
13mm+OIII: nebulosity thickens dramatically. inner ~1/2 diam is thicker, brighter; outer ~1/2 diam is dimmer, more translucent (though still bright). Central * disappears. Clear distinction btwn two.
13mm+NPB: same desc. as OIII.

8mm: large, bright, pn with definite central *. Definite evidence of two-tone structure noted with 13mm+OIII/NPB.
8mm+OIII: Two-tone structure, no evidence of central *; responds nicely
8mm+NPB: Same desc as w/OIII.

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