October 21, 2020 Meeting Minutes

The regular October meeting of the Santa Fe Stargazers began at 7:00 PM MDT on October 21, 2020 with 12 members in attendance. The evenings featured speaker was ‘Gazer David Tiemeyer, who spoke on the use of interferometry for astronomical observation: “Interferometry: It takes two to Tango.” David’s talk described the use of interferometry for high-angular resolution imaging of electromagnetic spectrum observations ranging from radio through optical wavelengths, with an aside on the use of interferometry as a means of measuring small displacements in the Michelson-Morley “Aether Drift” experiments and in gravitational wave detection.

Following David’s presentation the business meeting focused on planning for meetings beginning in the early part of 2021 and an update on the ‘Gazer’s dark-sky advocacy efforts.

The Santa Fe Stargazer’s next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 18. It will also be our final meeting of 2020: there will be no December meeting. The November meeting will feature ‘Gazer Jim Kraemer, who will speak on astronomical observations from the Antarctic. Jim Baker recruited several speakers for meetings through April 2021; these will be entered on the Santa Fe Stargazer’s Calendar. Jim also highlighted several upcoming events sponsored by RENESAN: one, a November 5 lecture by ‘Gazer Sam Finn, who will speak on gravitational wave detection; the second, a short introductory course on astronomy by ‘Gazer Jim Baker, beginning October 28.

The Advocacy Group has an excellent opinion article, authored by ‘Gazer Robert Powers with only minor kibitzing by group members Jim Baker, Albert Shultz, and Sam Finn. Sam Finn is in the midst of preparing an informative web site to accompany the article, which he expects to be completed and ready for Advocacy Group review by mid-November. ‘Gazer Albert Shultz reported on a letter he drafted and sent, on behalf of the Santa Fe Stargazers, in support of the efforts of a Los Alamos area effort to address light pollution associated with community lighting. Albert has also raised the problems of light pollution with the local Audubon Chapter. Should the Chapter decide to make addressing light pollution a priority there will likely be opportunities for partnering with their efforts.

As a closing note, Sam reminded all ‘Gazers that the Club’s web site is available for posting observing reports. Any observer who wishes to take advantage of this opportunity should contact Sam, who will create a web site account and forward an excellent set of instructions on how to create observing report posts, drafted by Robert Powers. Additionally, time will be reserved at future meetings for any ‘Gazer to share a oral report of any recent observing opportunities they’ve taken advantage of.

There being no other business the meeting ended at 8:50 PM MDT.

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